Careers Guidance
CEIAG and Gatsby Benchmarks
Careers advice and guidance is important in Shoeburyness High School. We fully support all students with a robust process to allow them to plan their futures. With support from a Careers Leader and independent Careers Adviser we are able to offer a range of fully funded careers programmes, workshops and mock interviews. Our curriculum also fully supports careers with individual departments offering action packed lessons based on career choices. In addition to this, during period one, we have a full programme of learning activities, linked to future aspirations, for each year group.
Good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) has never been more important. Recent studies highlight that careers talks and employer engagement allows students to achieve career goals and motivate them to work harder to reach their full potential.
We are committed to providing the very best in careers education and using the eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance we measure our strengths and areas for development.
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
All Shoeburyness students will:
- Gain a thorough insight into the world of work.
- Be fully prepared to overcome challenges faced in the world of work.
- Understand the labour market and the key employees in the local area.
- Learn how to improve career prospects with individualised mock interviews and CV writing guidance.
- Take part in various work related activities both inside and outside of school (Work experience).
- Have a one to one meeting at least once with the independent Careers Advisor.
We welcome feedback and meetings with parents and students at open evenings and options evenings to offer advice and guidance for future career choices.
The school welcomes approach from employers and businesses who would like to contribute to the School's Careers Programme. Approaches should be directed to the school's dedicated Careers Leader.
Mrs Louise Fanning. Careers Leader
Tel: 01702 292286 extension 3013
Mr Steve Cooper. Career Advisor
Meeting our Statutory Requirements
Careers Programme
Measuring and assessing the impact of the careers programme on students
At Shoeburyness High School we believe it is very important to assess the impact of our careers programme on our students. We do this in a number a of ways:
Firstly, we identify and analyse the destinations of our Year 11 and 13 students, taking into account their prior attainment. For Year 11 students, we record pathways including:
- Level 2 courses
- Level 2 apprenticeships
- Level 3 courses
- Level 3 apprenticeships
- Analysis of sector based outcomes to ensure our advice is relevant to the jobs available and to ensure that we promote equality of opportunity
The proportion of students going onto Level 3 courses or apprenticeships is tracked over time, taking into account changes in the attainment level of year groups at the end of Key Stage 2.
For Year 13 students we identify and analyse whether students:
- go onto higher education and the range of courses being studied and the universities/colleges being attended
- go onto an apprenticeship and whether it is at Intermediate, Advanced or Higher level
Secondly, we track students for three years from the end of Year 11, identifying and reviewing where students leave or change courses/apprenticeships.
Thirdly, we are very keen to get the views of students on the Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) they received during their five or seven years at Shoeburyness High School. We ask all Year 11 and 13 students and our student voice to complete a survey to find out their views on individual elements of the CEIAG programme and their overall assessment of the programme. In addition, our Enterprise Advisers (business volunteers who support the school to develop its careers provision), meet representative groups of Year 11 and 13 students to find out more about what they liked and disliked about the careers programme and ways they believe it can be improved.
Fourthly, we value the views of parents on how well we have helped them to support their child or children make rational informed career decisions. This is done using a survey at parents’ evening and applications evening.
Finally, business volunteers are asked for their feedback on each individual careers events that they take part in, such as a speed networking session or mock interviews. In addition, the school’s Enterprise Advisers evaluate the careers programme from a business viewpoint and collate the views of other business volunteers.
Useful Websites
- UCAS PROGRESS Search and apply for Sixth Form and College courses
- UCAS Research all available University courses in the UK
- START Careers informations and research
- NATIONAL CAREERS SERVICE Advice on choosing or changing career
- APPLY TO UNI University application advice for parents
- RATE MY APPRENTICESHIP Search for apprenticeships
- CAREERS MENU Plan your future
- SUCCESS AT SCHOOL 16+ Apprenticeships advice
- WHAT'S YOUR THING? The Essex Careers Guide For Young People
- DIRECTIONS Impartial careers guidance
- ALTERNATIVES TO UNIVERSITY The Guide to School Leaver Programmes and Apprenticeships for Students, Parents & Teachers
- BRIGHT NETWORK Connecting 190,000+ bright minds with 300+ leading employers
Bringing together careers information and opportunities from creative organisations - GET MY FIRST JOB Your first steps into the world of work
- Unifrog is a complete destinations platform that allows students to search for opportunities and make applications for their next steps.
- Explore a range of courses and industry sectors to see how your skills and ambitions match career options.
% |
Sustained Destination |
School Sixth Form |
Other Sixth Form |
FE College |
Apprenticeship |
Employment |
All Leavers in July 2020 |
93% |
51% |
Less than 1% |
37% |
2% |
2% |
Please refer to the schools data on the following website by clicking here
Careerometer: A tool to compare jobs
The widget can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers.
The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.