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Our vision for curriculum intent: excellence through the curriculum

The INTENT of our curriculum is that it will result in successful learners who are proud of themselves.

By the time that they leave us, we want our students to have high aspirations for themselves, to be able to be economically independent and to be aware of the community around them and their role within it. To take pride in all that they do. All staff in the school will deliver a curriculum that is INCLUSIVE, accounting for the DIVERSITY of our student population. We will prepare a curriculum that incorporates an understanding of different types of people, that is accessible for all students and that recognises the different starting points of students academically and socially. In order to have this IMPACT, our curriculum across the whole school is focused on the following areas:

Subject knowledge and Skills development

Our teaching staff will use their subject expertise to prepare a sequenced curriculum, building on the National Curriculum, that prepares our students for each transition in their education journey. We will plan for opportunities to revisit and reuse knowledge and skills to ensure that they are learned, remembered and executed when needed.  Our staff will build in opportunities for develop students’ literacy, oracy and numeracy at appropriate times in the curriculum to support students’ overall skill and knowledge acquisition.

Respectful attitudes

Our curriculum embeds kindness, understanding and empathy in our students, through the lessons in classrooms, assemblies, tutoring, PSHEE, the relationships we form and the community we build together.

Destinations and Employability

Our curriculum prepares our students for their next steps in life. Through our careers education, work experience opportunities, academic knowledge and skills, we prepare our students to be economically successful in their lives.


Through our curriculum development across the school we create opportunities for our students in all aspects of their cultural development. Sporting, social, academic, experiential and performance opportunities are central to what we do as a school and the pride we seek to develop in our students.