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Teaching & Learning Fortnightly Focus

14th May to 4th June 2024

  • Learning Cycle: Modelling correction of misconceptions

  • Behaviour for learning: Respecting yourself and your community

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Reassure and highlight improvements that can be made

16th April to 30th April 2024

  • Learning cycle: Silent Starters

  • Behaviour for learning: On time and with pencil case and planner

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Celebrate progress and reassure that improvements are achievable

5th March to 19th March 2024:

  • Learning cycle: Modelling correction of misconceptions

  • Behaviour for learning: The importance of acting on feedback (editing work)

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Student friendly markschemes

13th February to 5th March 2024:

  • Learning cycle: Shared, concise explanations

  • Behaviour for learning: Responding to misconceptions

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Revision timetables

29th January to 12th February 2024:

  • Learning cycle: Modelling correction of misconceptions

  • Behaviour for learning: Respecting yourself and our community

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Question level analysis (knowledge and skills gaps)

16th to 30th January 2024:

  • Learning cycle: High participation ratio

  • Behaviour for learning: Asking & answering questions

  • Year 11 & Year 13: Celebrate progress and gaps closed