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Joining Year 7

Welcome to our information to support you in joining Shoeburyness High School in Year 7. Here you will find answers to many of the questions you may have before joining Year 7.

Our welcome booklet can be downloaded from the files at the bottom of the page.

Free School Meals 

If you believe your child is entitled to Free School Meals, you can apply directly via the Southend Borough Council website:

School Tour

Your child will get the opportunity to see around our school on the Borough Transition Day in July. If you wish to become familiar with key areas in our school before then, please click here

Preparing for Year 7

Below are some resources for the core subjects which will help prepare your child for moving into Year 7.

SPaG Placemat

Please click here for SPaG Placemat by SATS Companion

Maths Secondary Ready - Numerise

Secondary Ready is a free course within Numerise that is designed to prepare Year 6 learners for starting Year 7 in September.

It is available free of charge to learners in the UK until September 2020.

The Book Buzz

We love reading! 

Here are just five reasons why:

  • Reading is food for the brain.
  • Reading makes you more confident.
  • Books are the world's cheapest travel agents.
  • Reading reduces stress
  • Reading improves your focus, memory and makes your more likely to achieve success.

We would love you to read as much as you can and enjoy it just as much as we do.

At Shoeburyness High School we have The Book Buzz which encourages you to spend time reading.  

There are some amazing books to read and here are a few of our recommendations that you could maybe look at over the Summer.

Recommended reading books

SPaG - BBC Bitesize

Recapping on what you have done at primary school is a great way to get prepared for when you join us. Do not worry about what you will be doing at this point, just take some time to remember all the things you do know. 

We are preparing some resources to help you but for now, you can use the great resources on BBC Bitesize.

Let's start with spelling:

'ough' sound -

words ending in -cious and -tious -

'shun' sound -

when is the 'sh' a 'ch'? -

when is an 'i' a 'y'? -

when is the 'uh' a 'ou'? -

when is the 's' a 'sc'? -

words ending in -ture and -sure -

words ending with -sion -

Spelling quiz -


Then there's punctuation:

Apostrophes 1 -

Apostrophes 2 -

Brackets -

Bullet points -

Commas -

Ellipsis -

Hyphens and dashes -

Inverted commas or speech marks -

Paragraphs -

Semi-colon -

Finally there's grammar: 

Verb -

Pronoun -

Adverbs -

Passive verb -

Modal verb -

Preposition -

Relative clause -

Subordinating conjunctions -

Coordinating conjunctions -

Expanded noun phrase -

Fronted adverbial -