Who to Contact
Contact details for appropriate members of staff to deal with your enquiries can be found below.
In an emergency, you should always call the appropriate emergency service.
Student Welfare
At Shoeburyness High we have a dedicated team of non-teaching Year Managers who are responsible for the physical, social and emotional well-being of the children in our care. By supporting these aspects of their life at school we endeavour to help all of them to settle, progress and ultimately fulfil their academic potential.
Our Year Managers are also available to support parents and carers as and when needed. Please feel free to contact them by telephone or email and they will be happy to help resolve any queries or issues you may have.
For contact details please click here
We value excellent communication between home and school and strive to resolve issues that may arise as swiftly as possible. We also welcome any suggestions from parents indicating what we are doing well and what we could do further to continue to improve experiences for our students.
Our Pastoral Year Managers are:
- Year 7: A Beale (ABeale@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 8: D Colley (DColley@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 9: J Unwin (JUnwin@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 10: P Harper (PHarper@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 11: W Evans (WEvans@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 12 & 13: G Garrod (ggarrod@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
Special Educational Needs
Please contact our SENCO Team : email SENCO@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
General Enquiries
- Please ring the main school number (01702) 292286 or email office@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- For Sixth Form enquiries, please e-mail Mr M Smith (Head of Sixth Form) msmith@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- To report a child's absence, dial the main school number (01702) 292286 and press 1.
- Alternatively, please email our attendance team on AttendanceOfficer@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- For Sixth Form absences, please email kstrutt@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Please contact Mrs Julie Parker : email JParker@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
'My Child At School' (MCAS) enquiries
My Child at School (MCAS)
Please e-mail mcas@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Please contact the Examinations Officer, Mrs Jane Day email: JDay@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
11+ Examinations
Please the website of The Consortium of Selective School in Essex (CSSE)
Free School Meals
To make an application for Free School Meals, please visit the Southend-on-Sea City Council website to find the Application Form
For school enquiries about Free School Meals, please contact the Finance Team : email FinanceHelpdesk@secat.co.uk
Updating student information
If your child's details require updating, please email KSmith@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Teacher Training Information
To find out about opportunities to train as a teacher, please e-mail JSaunders@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Work Experience
For information or enquiries about work experience in Year 10 or Year 12, please contact SWood@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Academic Progress
If you wish to make an enquiry about your child's progress in a specific subject, please contact your child's subject teacher or the Head of Faculty/Subject. If you are worried more widely about your child's progress, please contact their Head of Year.
The Head of Year role is to monitor the progress of individual students and groups of students within their designated cohort groups. Where students are performing in line with or exceeding their targets, Heads of Year are there to celebrate achievements with assemblies, rewards, awards evenings, postcards, certificates and letters home. Where students are not quite reaching their targets, Head of Year ensure effective interventions are put in place.
The function is completely holistic across the whole curriculum and not subject specific (unlike a Faculty Leader) – it’s the progress of the pupil in all subjects and how to achieve maximum success for that child.
Teacher's names can be found on your child's timetable on My Child At School.
Heads of Year
- Year 7: V Miller - VMiller@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- Year 8: S Oscar - SOscar@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- Year 9: D Griggs - DGriggs@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk (Interim Head of Year)
- Year 10: J Sutton - JSutton@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- Year 11: V King - VKing@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- Year 12: K Spinks - KSpinks@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
- Year 13: Z Miller - ZMiller@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Subject and Faculty Leaders
Head of Faculty MBuck@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Mathematics & Business
Head of Faculty CStanford@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 3 Maths ICurrie@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 4 Maths ACatton@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Business CMubake-Makwanga@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Faculty CSmith@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 3 SLevy@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 4 SMason@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Faculty VGray@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: History BBlowers@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Geography RWithams@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: R.E JBoxall@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Modern Foreign Languages
Head of Faculty WMarsden@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Achievement and Foundation Pathway
Head of Faculty RRoberts@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Creative & Expressive Arts
Head of Faculty PHeron@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Art @shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Music MScates@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Theatre Arts HYoung@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 3 DJameson@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Media, Film and Computing/IT
Head of Faculty SVincent@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Computing GJones@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Film & Media LBrant@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Physical Education
Head of Faculty BButler@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 3 CHawker@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Key Stage 4 MGleeson@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Social Science
Head of Faculty KAndrews@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Sociology and Psychology ATreherne@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk
Head of Subject: Health and Social Care KAllum@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk