Sixth Form Prospectus 2025
Our updated prospectus for entry to the Sixth Form in September 2025 is now available!
You can either view the prospectus online as a 'flip book' or download it in PDF form. The prospectus should be viewed along with the open evening presentation and the subject information which can also be found on this page. Subject information will continue to be updated in the run up to the Open Evening, so please check back for updates!
UPDATE Monday 16th December 2024: I am delighted to confirm that the Government review of the national post-16 curriculum has been completed, and that our applied/vocation pathway will be allowed to continue. This means that that students are able to select freely from our applied (BTEC or equivalent) course offer. Please disregard the warnings in the published version of the prospectus.
Click here to open the prospectus as a full screen flip book in a popup window.