Heads of Year
The Head of Year role is to monitor the progress of individual students and groups of students within their designated cohort groups. Where students are performing in line with or exceeding their targets, Heads of Year are there to celebrate achievements with assemblies, rewards, awards evenings, postcards, certificates and letters home. Where students are not quite reaching their targets, Head of Year ensure effective interventions are put in place.
The function is completely holistic across the whole curriculum and not subject specific (unlike a Faculty Leader) – it’s the progress of the pupil in all subjects and how to achieve maximum success for that child.
- Year 7: V Miller (VMiller@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 8: S Oscar (SOscar@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 9: D Griggs (DGriggs@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk) - Interim Head of Year
- Year 10: J Sutton (JSutton@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 11: V King (VKing@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 12: K Spinks (KSpinks@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
- Year 13: Z Miller (ZMiller@shoeburyness.secat.co.uk)
The Heads of Year lead a team of learning tutors who support students. Learning conversations take place every morning between 8.30 and 8.55am where students meet with their learning tutor to discuss academic progress and set targets for further improvement. The learning conversations take place in the dining hall where there is a buzz in the mornings as a learning focused start is made to the day.
Celebrating Achievement
We celebrate student achievement in our ACE assemblies each half term and always look to reward students for a positive and passionate approach to learning.
These types of awards have a positive impact on the progress and outcomes for our students and reflect the high expectations they have of themselves and each other.